Poll#5 One: Loneliest
Number/Not Loneliest Number
responses 5 Loneliest
/ 3 Not Loneliest / 1 Undecided
lonely number.. Fue
One is one number just as all the other numbers are just one
number in of themselves, so one is not the loneliest number, but then again on
the flip side I am one person and I'm pretty lonely. Yeah, on second
thought one is the loneliest number. Jeremy
the Lonliest Number.......you can be in a crowd of 2,367,459......and still be
lonely! You can be all by yourself.....but fulfilled and refreshed and not
lonely at all.........now if we're talking MONEY........one is pretty darn
LONELY!!! …Bette
the loneliest number because no matter how you look at the number '1'
always makes a statement. Thea
is the loneliest number. Two mints are better than one. Wait...is
first place lonely? Corrie
be and individual, you are alone, all by yourself, standing out in the crowed.
if you are happy with that...you need no one to be there for you....thus not
lonely...but...what is it that we all crave, desire and must have??? love. and
unless you are extra special..you can't love yourself the way someone else can.
thus...one is the lonliest number. –tyler
One (1) definitely not the loneliest number. 1/2 is much more lonely because it is not a whole number but, as we know,
one is the first and usually revered as the best (see Ohio State Buckeyes fiesta bowl for referance) #1. it is not so
lonely at the top! Dave
Well I suppose that you can tell from my absence
that I boycotted the stupid last survey...
wont give his name doesn't deserve mention ....but let me just say that the new
1 800 modle posing as an angle with wings is a breath of fresh air.....
now where were we......ah yes ONE ..........kind
of like to be or not to be never made much sense to me......you can't buy much
with the symbol you show........for crying out loud even the canadians call
thier dollar a looney......so that should tell u somthing..........on the other
hand i remember sweeping a porch of my neighbors for a dime.....and thought i
was in fat city.......so ....i think ill go with lonely but dam good company if
you can get it.........gary
One…loneliest, not
loneliest…I’m not too into this poll…it could easily go either way. All depends on the mood, I suppose. I for one, rarely find one to be lonely, yet I know many who
do. Am I as one person important
enough to determine whether one is lonely or not for all of humankind?
I think not. One is small, but not necessarily lonely nor
powerless…unless the one is something big, in which case it is not so small,
although smaller than more than one of the same something big object…case in
point, earths. One earth is big,
but two earths would be bigger. I
don’t suppose this could be proven, seeing as how there is allegedly only one
earth, which brings up an entirely different poll…Josh