3/13/03  Poll # 9  :  Point A to B: Cut Across Grass / Don’t Cut Across Grass


13 Responses:  6 Cut Across / 2 Don’t Cut Across / 5 Undecided

Why not cut acoss??..the path would be much shorter..fue

My first instinct is to say cut across the grass, but I need more info.  It is difficult 
to assess the surroundings.  Is the grass on someone's property?  If there were a 
house in the area, or people around, maybe I wouldn't cut across the grass so as 
not to upset anyone in case they had strong feelings about people walking on their 
grass.  I can think of many other scenarios that might influence my decision, but 
for the sake of simplicity, I will stick with my first response, you know, the shortest 
distance between any two points is a straight line...blah, blah, blah. Holly

well, it all depends on the weather...but regardless......i think i'd try jumping across....but if i failed to not clear the grass....i think i'd feel kinda 
bad....for the grass has more feelings then the gravel....--tyler

To get to point B in this situation i would definitly stay on the trail.  it is 
really not that much further out of my way.  And i strongly belive that trails were 
made for a reason- for us to use them and not trample all over the grass, forest, 
jungle- whatever.


Oh, I’d cut across, no doubt about it.  Those people who don’t walk in the grass make me 
angry.  Chris

For me, it totally depends on the quality of the grass.  If it is good or great shape and 
looks all squishy and soft then I walk on it purely for the selfish reason that it will feel 
good.  However, if it is in poor shape, has a dirt trail through it, or is all muddy, then I 
like to let the grass grow up to be strong again.  So, I walk around.  Sorry, I can't be one 
way or the other, there are just quilifications on this one for me! Jen

What's the question?  I, for my souls worth would much rather have my feet closer to the 
earth then on some manifestation of it..like concrete..thus I say take the grass..enjoy the 
grass...be the grass...be on the grass...and then there is the whole mathamatical aspect..the 
shortest point between two points is the way I go..so when two roads diverge the yellow wood , 
I say, always take the grass!  Dave over and out!

I would cut across the grass!  I have no problems making my own path rather than taking the path that many others took before me.  Maybe where 
I coming from and the direction I am headed in is not the same as other people.   Hasmik

This all depends...am i walking alone?  am i being chased by anything scary if it's not scary, do i want to get caught?  what if tom selleck was chasing me?  
am i walking with kids and i need to set the example....? what would tom selleck do?  if i knew the grass wasnt wet i would cut. Corrie

At that angle of the paths, cut across the grass, but if the angle was 90 degrees or more then I would probably stay on the path. Jeremy  

I would not cut across.  I would take the trail.Thea

Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so
called scientific knowledge.
-  Thomas Edison
Apparent clashes of interest between humans saving time and protecting our park lawns can be understood as differences in emphasis rather than conflicts of principle, although it is only too easy for campaigners to regard as rivals good causes other than their own. Moral principles are part of a larger whole, within which they can be related, rather than absolute all-purpose rules of right conduct. This is illustrated using the practical dilemma, which often occurs in conservation management, of whether or not to deny access to the lawn to humans that are damaging the lawn. Here, and in general, when we are faced with a choice between two evils, the need for scrupulous discrimination and honesty cannot be overstated; but it is not a worthy option to retreat behind moral principles of limited application.  In short, I am undecided. -Razor 2D

My answer is a combination of both Jeremy’s and Tyler’s…My decision is based in large part on the actual angle of the path I am following…if the angle is an acute one, I am prone to cutting, unless as Tyler says, the grass has more feeling.  I’m sure all can agree that some types of grass have more feelings than other types…so, if it is an acute angle and the grass is the hardy type, I cut.  If the path is acute and gentile grass, I do not cut.  If the path is obtuse, I rarely will cut.  Josh