Poll #22:  Tap Water vs. Filtered water

9 Results:  3 Tap Water, 2 Filtered, 4 “Depends”


Answer:  It depends on where you are. Probably filtered.  Corrie


I think the questions begs the geo-political question from a conspiracy theorist.  Recently on some news show probably ridden with special interest motive, I saw a study of water contents and taste comparing city and bottled waters.  I believe they started with over 300.  Who ended up winning?  L.A. City water.  Thus, if the taps origins are of a socially responsible municipality I am fine with the tap. ( I am not sure about L.A.)  So I say, it depends!  Dave


Seriously Josh??  After all these months, this is the pressing question that you came up with?  I am disappointed, not a very stimulating summer, huh?  Okay that was a bit harsh; the answer is just so obvious though.  Filtered water is where it’s at, dogg.  for shizzle.  Tap water tastes craptaculicious and I never drink it.  But I would like to share one tidbit that I learned recently.  I for one do not like cold water, however if you are using a Brita filter (separate from a faucet), it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator to prevent rapid growth of bacteria.  Apparently there was a study done that tested bacteria in tap, Brita, and Pur water filters.  The Brita and Pur filtered water grew bacteria 100 times faster than tap water when left sitting out.  So, one is supposed to store the filtered water in the refrigerator.  I would like to believe that the bacteria that the filtered water grows when left out is less harmful than the bacteria present in tap water.  Anyway, regardless of the bacteria, filtered water tastes WAY better than tap water. 




Filtered..... Filtered..... Filtered.... There is nothing else.  Brandy

tap water vs. filtered water
it depends on where i am.
Mexico, Europe, Africa, Pinedale - deffinently filtered!
At home, Alaska, at mamma's, the mountains - tap is just fine  Thea


I don't give a crap about filtered or unfiltered water.  I just like it really cold with a nice amount of ice cubes.  It does give me a strange thrill to drink filtered water, but honestly, I can't tell the difference.  Plus I hate re-filling those damn Britas.  -- Maggie


I would have to say that it really matters where you live.  Squaw Valley has absolutely the best tasting tap water in the World, better than most filtered water.  But, you move to Fresno and I would say a filter is a must-have.  Of course, you will also need to keep in mind 7-up's new commercial on TV now.  I saw it last night and it depicted a bear taking a very noisy sqaut in a mountain spring.  So, ultimately I think water should be out-lawed and we all sell out and start drinking 7-up.  Any takers?  Jeremy


Tap at home and work.  BOTTLE at any function that I have no idea what is in the water.  Carrie


I really, really don’t care...which means tap water is fine by me…  Unless it tastes bad.  Then I buy bottled.  Josh